Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Tribute Poem on the Martyrdom of Joseph Smith

Joseph, Joseph, raise your throat-cry

Above burning torch and fiery eye.

You knew but an echo would reply.

When scarlet tears from weeping wounds

Gather no sympathy on the ground,

The time has come to say goodbye

The time has come to say goodbye.

When there's no help for a widow's son,

Who turned around and wouldn't run

Or be deterred from what he'd begun -

When time stops and help to bed

Retires, as faith has fallen dead,

Your labors must be left undone.

Your labors must be left undone.

When there's no strength left to borrow

To hold the hope-song for the morrow-

Out, brief candle, no more tomorrow!

The smoke-infused morning air,

An opaque veil, shrouds their stares

A curtain draws upon your sorrow

A curtain draws upon our sorrow.

The sounds of metal and wood and rage

Are swallowed in the silence of the age.

Your mouth is silenced in your cage.

Your final words have all been written

The darkness swells; the sun is smitten.

The time has come to turn the page

The time has come to turn the page.

From window breaks your silent songs,

And muffled prayers, addressing wrongs

And the heart-torn longings of countless throngs

Of saints who call you from afar -

The lid now taken from off your jar,

Fly now; your soul to them belongs.

Fly now, your soul to them belongs.

Joseph, Joseph, raise your throat-cry

Above burning torch and fiery eye;

Your life-plea spent and one last sigh,

Then cast your worries to the ground.

Cast your ragged, worn frame down

And lift your soul up to the sky,

Lift your soul up to the sky.

Alexei Christopher Mattanovich

May 13, 2009

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Syriac Apocalypse of Peter Paraphrases the Book of Mormon!

Below is the entire text of the Syriac Apocalypse of Peter, which for the upcoming publication The Revelations of the Apostles, is renamed The Third Revelation of Peter. Its composition is thought by most scholars to be too late to actually be from Peter, but it is unquestionably ancient from our standpoint. Yet whoever wrote it must have been inspired, because it is a virtual paraphrase of 2 Nephi 28. Read and compare them for yourself and see!



Also called The Syriac Apocalypse of Peter, it is found in the collection called The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, With the Apocalypse of Each of Them. There are claims that it is from a late date, however its content is mutually attested by 2 Nephi in the Book of Mormon, as neither could use the other for a source. See also Nestle (Theo-logische Literaturzeitung­, 1900, 557-559). Compare 2 Nephi 28.

1 And Simon was moved by the Spirit of God: and his appearance and his body were enlarged, and he glorified God; and he wept and said, How great are thy works, O Lord, and all of them thou hast wrought in wisdom.

2 For lo! I see the hosts of God which are a thousand thousands, yea! tens of thousands without number, standing in heaven, and glorifying the lofty throne of the Godhead, exalted above all.

3 And there was sent to me the great angel Michael to be a reminder to me, and I received the Spirit in abundance; and I saw the time that is to be after us, full of offences and evils and sins and lying.

4 And the men in that time will be crafty, perverse and depraved, men that know not God, and understand not the truth;

5 But a few of them shall understand their God, because of his works which they behold daily, those which are established in heaven, and those which are brought forth on earth; and they know the Lord, as if they did not discern him; for this name only is called upon them that are believers.

6 And after a time they will seek to perform miracles, in the name of our Lord Jesus, and they will not be able, because of their little faith; and they call and are not heard, because they do not call on him with all their hearts.

7 But those who are separated from them, few in number, ask and are heard because their hearts speak the truth, and know God, and understand his beloved Son, and do not deny the Spirit.

8 And in this way they perform signs and great works of power; and these also in their wealth and in their faith are not suffered to live; for there will rise up against them bribed judges and also bribed deniers of the faith;

9 And for the name of our Lord they shall be judged and beaten; and they will kill them by bitter and various deaths: and also after that they are killed they shall perform by their death great works of power;

10 And after these things shall have happened, the faith shall fail from the earth and correct teaching shall come to an end: and those who are named as being baptized in our Lord and as confessing his name, shall be more miserable than all men;

11 And they shall trample on the faith and talk perversely and they shall divide our Lord; and in that time there shall be reckoned many teachers, as the Spirit of the Father does not speak in them, and they shall divide our Lord;

12 And the father of lies and the calumniator, that is, Satan, shall enter into them and disturb their minds; and their faith shall fail.

13 And it will come to pass that when they rise up and tear it, and when every man in his place will speak thus: I am superior in the fear of God, and I confess him more correctly! Behold, they shall seek our Lord and shall not find him, and they will call to him and he will not answer them.

14 And the Lord will deliver them to evils and to misery and to wrath and to pillage and to tribute, until they shall ask death for themselves and shall not find a savior, and they shall be enraged and blaspheme against God, and they shall say, 'Because we have the superior knowledge of God, on this account the more have evils tracked our steps';

15 But the few who shall be scattered in the countries, who confess the Son in the way that is right for them to do, of these the Lord shall supply their needs;

16 But those who do not believe in him, and who are called baptized people, shall applaud the heathen, and they shall envy them and shall say, 'Why are these things so, and why has it been given to us on this wise?'

17 And even those who preach among them, on whom the name of the Lord was called, in the leadership over their brethren and in the offices of the Church will be disturbers and self-exalting persons and haters one of another: lovers of money and destroyers of order, and who do not keep the commandments:

18 But they will not love their flocks, and in their days men will appear as sheep who are ravening wolves, and they will eat up the labor of the orphans, and the sustenance of the widows,

19 And every ruler shall pervert justice, and their eyes shall be blinded by bribery, and they shall love vainglory, and because of all these evils that are performed by them, they shall call upon the Lord, and there will be none to answer them,

20 And there will be no Savior for them; because evils are multiplied on the earth, and they have corrupted their ways before the Father in Heaven;

21 And the destroyer shall deliver them up to devastation, and to misery, and to necessity, and there shall rise up against them wasps in the morning and in the evening, and shall oppress them;

22 And men shall see their sons and their daughters and their wives and their revenues made a prey by their enemies; and there will be none that speaks and none that answers because the Holy One wills it and the Lofty One talks with them;

23 And from before him judgment shall go forth, and they shall bring upon them all these evils, and they will rest upon them until they shall return and become one true flock and one holy church,

24 And they shall confess our Lord accordingly as we received from him, and according as we believed in the Son the Life-Giver and Savior of the world; and after this will be one flock and one church and one baptism, true and united:

25 And it will come to pass in that day, that everyone that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, and whosoever worships the Comforter shall be delivered.